Bottom Line Analyzer

Is blending feeds the answer for your operation?

With today’s uncertainty of rain and grass and the continuing increase in cost of winter supplement, producers are asking at what point does it become smarter to just feed a complete processed and blended ration?

This analysis will show the comparison between a winter grass supplement program and one that includes the use of an EZ Ration Hay Processor, calculating the benefits of blending hay feeds and showing how many more cows can be added without requiring additional acres as well as the difference in gross profit that could result from it.

Do not enter commas in your numbers.

Program utilizing supplement and requiring winter grass

  1. Acres per cow (summer) x cost per acre $ = $(a)
  2. Acres per cow (winter) x cost per acre $ = $(b)
  3. Supplement winter feed cost per cow = $(c)
  4. Total grass and feed cost per cow (add a, b & c) = $(d)
  5. Number of cows (e) x cost per cow (d) $ = $ (f) total expense.
  6. Number of calves (e) cows - (calving death loss %) or calves = (g) calves to sell.
  7. Total price of calves.  (g) calves x price per calf $ = $(h)
  8. Gross profit after grass and supplement (h) $ - (f) $ = $(i)

Program with an EZ Ration Processor that meets the total dry matter requirements

  1. Acres allowed per cow during the summer grazing period = (j)
  2. Now take your total winter pasture acres and divide it by
    The amount of acres you allow a cow for summer grazing (j)
    This will give you the amount of additional cows you could run if you
    Didn’t rely on winter grass for filler =(k)
  3. Original number of cows + additional cows possible (k) = (l)
  4. Acres allowed per cow (summer) x cost per acre $ = $(m)
  5. Winter feed cost per cow(n) equals the number of days fed x cost per day(see ration calculator click here) $ = $(n)
  6. Estimated EZ Ration Processor payment cost, (see price sheet click here) $ (u)
    Number of years to finance  (v) =Payment of $(w) divided by
    number of cows (l) = $(o)
  7. Grass and feed cost per cow (add m, n, & o) = $(p)
  8. Total grass and feed cost, total cows (l) x cost per cow (p) $ = $(q)
  9. Number of calves (l) cows - (calving death loss %) or calves = (r) calves to sell.
  10. Total price of calves.  (r) calves x price per calf $ = $(s)
  11. Gross profit after grass and feed cost (s) $ - (q) $ = $ (t)

How much will an EZ RATION PROCESSOR and better utilization of your
grass and more efficiently feeding your cows increase your Gross Profit?

(t) $ - (i) $ = {$}

(t) Gross Profit with EZ Ration Procesor - (i) Gross Profit without EZ Ration Procesor = { Increased Profits}


Blending feeds can cut feed cost by 50% or more.

Blending feeds and feeding a total ration can sometimes be even cheaper than supplementing, plus you can usually run more cows.

Many of the larger operations have been feeding cows total blended rations through the winter months for years. However, it typically required a lot of equipment and man hours to do it efficiently. The EZ Ration Processor can now accomplish it with One Machine – One Man – and in One Operation, eliminating costly equipment and man hours. The simplicity with which the EZ Ration Processor blends feeds and changes the blend on the go now makes it possible for the smaller operations to feed total rations and increase cow numbers as well.